Welcome to SourceField

A woman’s resource to ongoing online support

SourceField is a social enterprise that provides an online platform offering women worldwide the opportunity to support each other through Listening Circles, facilitating feed-forward support – feed-forward explained

Connecting women with each other in order to create Listening Circles is at the core of SourceField. This is what makes us different from a regular networking group.

See here a comparison between Peer Coaching/Consulting and a Listening Circle.

 Experience a Listening Circle 

Receive support: Access the wisdom and experience of other women when you experience a challenging situation.
Give support: Help a woman respond to an important challenge in a supportive and innovative way.

Other women listen deeply to the woman who is sharing her situation. There is no unsolicited advice or telling her what to do.
Listening and supporting … to help her find her own way forward.

For more info go to our Quick Guide or watch our Quirky Videos.

Sign up for a Listening Circle and explore more services at our Women Lead Community (WLC)


The next FREE LIVE AND GUIDED Listening Circle

28 November, 8am CET / 6pm AEDT

Click here for the Zoom link 

Participating in Listening Circles requires Active Listening:
paying full attention to what someone is saying, both verbally and non-verbally, and responding in a way that shows understanding and engagement.
Please see 10 tips for Active Listening and more.


What is a Listening Circle? 

It is a co-creative team of 4-5 women moving through a specific process, based on the principles of U-Theory. A case giver presents her case, and the supporters help as consultants generating new ways to look at a challenge or question. 

For better understanding watch our Quirky Videos.

A Bold Solution: The Coaching (= Listening) Circle

How often is the advice you get actually helpful? … One of the most transformative spaces I’ve experienced, has been inside a coaching circle. … (Presencing Institute) … Read more 

SourceField is for every woman around the world

Receiving & Giving Support

Connect with other women in a safe place where you will support each other, as you are listened to and you listen.

Building Community

Together we can build an online community of women making a difference through supporting
each other.

Creating Success

Women understand women, the world and business. Through Sourcefield we can learn from one
another and grow together as a network of successful women around the world.

Leaving a Legacy

Share what you have learnt so that others can benefit from your wisdom both now and in future generations.

 Why SourceField?

It’s no secret that women often face gender-related challenges while navigating roles in their careers or even at home. In this day and age it can be hard to find a sense of community where women can receive and give support from one another for big questions.

We at Sourcefield want to even the playing field and offer a safe space where you can get help and help others.

How? – Through Listening Circles

They are at the core of SourceField and are what makes us different to a regular networking group.

For more info go to our Quick Guide or watch our Quirky Videos.

Check out our Women Lead Community (= WLC)

SourceField provides a platform for women

To empower each other and feel connected.

To support and be supported

To see and be seen

To listen and be listened to

To reach out to other women and with their help find your own way forward.

See all our services


“Great environment for people to ask for help, knowing it will be received with heart and no judgement or prejudice.”

“I feel the stillness before mirroring/sharing gets us all out of our heads.”

“Really enjoyed the openness in a supportive and safe group.”

“I feel seen, heard and came away with some great ideas, action steps & solutions.”

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